Author Archives: Marcelle Rootman

Unlocking Your Space: Repurposing with Self Storage Units

In our fast-paced, modern lives, space often comes at a premium. Whether you’re living in a cozy apartment, a sprawling suburban home, or even a commercial space, finding ways to optimize your available space can make a significant difference in your quality of life. One ingenious solution to this common challenge is utilising self storage[ Read Article ]

Unlocking the Potential: How to Repurpose Your Unused Space at Home

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, many of us find ourselves with underutilised spaces in our homes. Whether it’s that neglected corner in the living room or the dusty garage filled with forgotten treasures, these unused areas offer a world of untapped potential. Repurposing these spaces can not only add functionality to your[ Read Article ]

How to set yourself up to FREE YOUR SPACE you are in

Utilising your space is an essential component in achieving a productive day. Our environment plays a critical role in shaping our behaviour, mindset, and mood. A cluttered and disorganized workspace can make it challenging to focus on the task at hand, while a well-designed and comfortable space can improve productivity and help reduce stress. In[ Read Article ]

Transformation might be the change you need

Do you wonder if you’ll ever be able to live up to your calling, where you fit, or what your purpose is? Most of us have felt this way at some point in time. Letting go is hard!  Caterpillars have to surrender themselves to forces much greater than themselves during their transformation. Before a butterfly[ Read Article ]